Contemporary Accounts, Brand Identity
Contemporary Accounts는 컨템포러리 감성의 모던한 디자인을 세련된 실루엣에 절제된 디테일과 기능성의 머티리얼로 완성하여 실용적으로 오래 입을 수 있는 에센셜 웨어를 제안합니다. 옷장에 하나쯤은 갖추어야 할 에센셜 아이템에 대한 탐구를 동시대의 시각으로 해석하였습니다. Contemporary Accounts offers practical, abiding essential wear by completing a contemporary modern design with a refined silhouette, apposite details and functional materials. The clothes you wear every day put down your story. Rather than simply focusing on the visual abundance of clothes, Contemporary Accounts is dedicated to adding value to fashion and everyday life through good products that render the satisfaction and designs that empower the wearer’s movements.